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Veterans Earn a Victory: Easy Access to Medical Cannabis Through VA Docs

A high-resolution image symbolizing the historic passage of the FY24 MilCon-VA Appropriations Act, featuring a military veteran contemplating a cannabis leaf, representing newfound access to medical cannabis recommendations by VA doctors.

In a resounding move by the Senate, the newly passed Fiscal Year 2024 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act has revolutionized access to medical cannabis for our nation’s veterans. This bipartisan triumph permits VA doctors to prescribe medical marijuana in states where it’s legally recognized, marking a significant shift in healthcare freedom for veterans.

Funding Boost for Military and Veterans

Embracing a brighter future for military readiness and veterans’ welfare, the bill allocates crucial funds to upgrade military housing, infrastructure, and healthcare. The unanimous bipartisan vote of 28-0 is a testament to the nation’s unified support for the brave men and women who have served.

Senator Susan Collins, Vice Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, highlighted the bill’s impact: “The significant investments this legislation makes in America’s military are critical to our national security, ensuring our military’s readiness and safety while reducing maintenance costs.”

A New Dawn for Veteran Healthcare

The past barriers that prevented VA doctors from recommending cannabis, even in legal states, have been dismantled. This paves the way for veterans to openly discuss and consider medical cannabis as a viable treatment option with their trusted VA healthcare providers.

Advocates Cheer the Bill

Advocates view this legislative progress as a modest yet profound step towards honoring our veterans’ service. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, who reintroduced the bill, are leading voices in championing these reforms.

Senator Patty Murray, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, voiced her commitment: “These bills move our country forward—not back—with important investments to keep our promise to our nation’s veterans, to get Americans where they need to go safely, and much more.”

Senators Stand with Veterans

Senator Wyden stands firm on the importance of this issue: “Veterans in Oregon and nationwide are unfairly and unacceptably stuck in a legal gray zone when discussing medical cannabis with their doctor. Veterans deserve the opportunity to explore various treatments… I’ll fight tooth and nail to get this bill over the finish line and help get veterans the care they deserve and earned with their service.”

Senator Merkley echoed the sentiment: “Our veterans have given too much to be met with roadblocks to the care they need.”